
Engine 271 – 1996 Spartan/Quality
Engine 271 is equipped with a 1500 gpm Hale Pump and a 750 gallon water tank. Engine 271 has 1500 feet of 4 inch Large Diameter Supply Hose, 600 feet of 3 inch Supply Hose, Four – 1 ¾ inch Attack Hose Lines, Basic Life Support Equipment with an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). The engine has a fully enclosed cab with belted seating for 6 crew members.
Engine 272 – 2016 Pierce Enforcer
Engine 272 is equipped with a 1500 gpm Hale Pump and a 500 gallon water tank. Engine 272 has 1200 feet of 4 inch Large Diameter Supply Hose, 600 feet of 3 inch Supply Hose, Four – 1 ¾ inch Attack Hose Lines, 2 ½ Blitz Attack Line equipped with a Task Force Tips – BLITZFIRE Portable Monitor Device, and Basic Life Support Equipment with an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). The engine is equipped with a FIRECOM wireless Integrated Communications System. The engine provides belted seating for 6 crew members.

Ambulance 275 – 2015 Ford E450 / Type I, PL Custom Titan Ambulance
Ambulance 275 is equipped with Basic Life Support Equipment, Intravenous (IV) Therapy Equipment, and an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). Our dedicated membership can staff 275 as an Ambulance or an Intravenous Therapy Unit depending on the level of training of the members attending the unit.
Brush Truck 276 – 2005 Chevrolet 2500 Pick-Up
Brush Truck 276 is equipped with a 150 gpm skid unit and a 150 gallon water tank, also equipped with Basic Life Support Equipment and an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).

Utility Truck 277 – 2005 Chevrolet Suburban
Utility Truck 277 serves as the Companies Medical Response Vehicle. The unit is equipped with Basic Life Support Equipment, AED (Automated External Defibrillator), Immobilization Devices, and a Stokes Basket.
Utility Truck 279 – 2001 Ford Expedition
This unit has been placed out of service
Utility Truck 279 serves as the Companies Duty Officer Vehicle and Mobile Command Vehicle. This vehicle is equipped with Basic Life Support Equipment, AED (Automated External Defibrillator), One – Self Contained Breathing Apparatus, Power Inverter, DC Power Console, UHF Marine Radio, and an Incident Command Console in the rear of the vehicle. The Console is equipped with various Command Boards, National Incident Management System (NIMS) – Incident Command System (ICS) Forms, Baltimore County Fire Department and Wise Avenue Forms.